Permeable Pavers for Footpath and Driveway

Concrete permeable paving act as the drainage system as well as supporting traffic loads. It allows water to pass through the surface and into the underlying sub base. Here, it is stored and released slowly, either into the ground to the next SuDS management stage, to a drainage system or alternatively harvested.

As such, the amount and rate of runoff as well as pollutants in the runoff are reduced or even eliminated. It benefits biodiversity by providing unpolluted water for wildlife, plants and trees. At the same time, it eliminates the hazards that open gulleys presents to wildlife.

In conclusion, it reduces runoff, provides onsite treatment to minimize water course pollution and enables harvesting of water for irrigation/toilet flushing/general recycling.

Permeable or Pervious Pavers (for footpaths, landscaped areas and low volume residential applications)

neupave permeable paverNeupave Interlocking Concrete Pavers is typically used for the footpaths

Available in 60mm and 80mm thickness, these pavers are available in all the profiles for the normal interlocking pavers. 

Pervious pavers allow stormwater to percolate through the surface rather than running off into surrounding areas or storm drains. The pavers act as a filtration layer and allow the ground below to breathe for support for tree roots and their supporting microbes. It has a high infiltration rate of more than 95%. The pavers support optimal project drainage and stormwater management, greatly reducing the maintenance area. When installed in stormwater catch basins, these pavers reduce the number of mosquitoes by eliminating access to standing, stagnant water normally stored beneath the road surface.

Permeable Paving Systems (for driveway and heavy duty applications)

Marshalls Priora Paving
– Keyblok Priora
– Tegula Priora

The pavers have larger nibs/joints which are filled with crushed aggregate so that the rainwater passes around the paver instead of through it. Water then enters the joints between the pavers and flows through the system. Aggregates in the joints provide infiltration so long as it is not clogged. The permeable system thus works to provide a water management system for roads, parking lots, and walkways. 

Does permeable paving get clogged up and stop working?

No. Independent studies have proven this time and again, and we’ve also carried out a field test with full size rainfall simulators to prove this point.

Is it difficult to maintain a permeable pavement?
No. Under normal conditions, a permeable pavement will work perfectly well with no maintenance whatsoever, but if it does need cleaning, it’s a very simple process.

Are soft SuDS better at cleansing water runoff than permeable pavements?
No. A large-scale test with Coventry University proved that permeable pavements provide excellent water cleansing properties.

Sustainable Drainage Systems 

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) are a collection of simple philosophies and techniques which can help to reduce flooding – and permeable paving is a key component of typical excellent SuDS solutions.  It is designed to manage stormwater locally (as close its source as possible), to mimic natural drainage and encourage its infiltration, attenuation and passive treatment.

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